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In The Mind's Eye

If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities.

~Maya Angelou

I have a former client and now friend, Libryia Jones who ran into a minor, actually major, dilemma. When she was in college, she found herself pregnant with what would be one of the greatest gifts she could ever receive. She had a beautiful daughter. While her daughter was a magical gift, the burden of being a single parent while in college became clear when Libryia's dream of studying abroad came to an abrupt halt because no one wanted to manage the liability of having a child traveling with their program.

Because of her child, others wanted her to believe that her dream could not be realized. But, in the famous words of Milton Berle, "If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door."

Libryia built a door and created the Wanderist Life, a program that has many aspects, but one is it allows people to travel the world, live abroad AND take their families, children included.

Guess who was the first family to sign up? Libryia and her beautiful daughter.

Her daughter, at 14 has more passport stamps than people who have lived 80 years.

Not only did Libryia create the life she always wanted for herself, she also gave that life to her child.

How many times are we bound by what other people tell us we can and can't have?


You are a creative being, you can create your own reality. It is not like we have seen others do it! We have! We need to believe that we can do it too.

Our communities need our creativity, they need for us to stop looking for solutions and start creating solutions.

The volunteer position you want does not exist, CREATE IT!

The population you want to serve is not being served, CREATE a non-profit.

The world you desire, is not visible, IMAGINE IT and CREATE IT!

The world is your canvas, in the famous words of my favorite photographer, Jay Chunn, "Let's Create."

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