Hey, Im
Dethra U.Giles
I remember when I discovered there was a formula to career success.
Finding the formula was a great thing, but it was a bad day. By bad, I mean ugly cry, stuffy nose, and all of that. I was breaking down and tired of being frustrated. Most of all, I was tired of watching people who were not me surpass me in their career. I knew they were no smarter than me, no more skilled than me, but they seemed to be moving on the career escalator while I was stuck on the bottom levels.
I turned my frustration into curiosity and began research. I studied these career escalator people, and I documented the consistencies that led to their success and applied them. I was shocked at the success I experienced just by using the formula. I had a eureka moment and thought, "wait, am I on to something?" Yes, I was, but I had not proven the formula's efficacy because I had not tried it with anyone other than me. I found some test subjects, and the mad scientist went to work.
I tried the formula on other people, and they too got unstuck. Wait, I had the formula, and it worked consistently. I had to share it. I helped friends and then managers, then one day, someone called me a coach. I read books, got certifications, and fine-tuned my formula. Since that time, I have implemented coaching programs in organizations, coached mid-level professionals, wrote a book, and did a TEDx talk about managing your career effectively.
​I'm super obsessed with helping ready professionals to take their life and career to the next level, and I want to help you.